Music inspires friendship and a life full of dreams and adventure in this wordless picture book from Milan Pavlović.
When a fish hears the singing of a violin, it is drawn out of the water and into the world of a young musician sitting on a shady bench. Soon fish and boy are flying over the rooftops together, past lively street musicians, a flock of birds, then from planet to planet, before landing back on earth for an idyllic afternoon in the park. In a forest of giant dandelions they discover a little house where a band plays cheerily, then, swept up by the wind, they tumble past a familiar-looking tree and bench, where the violin lies waiting to be played once more.
Milan Pavlović's wordless picture book celebrates the joy to be found in music, friendship, dreams and adventure.
Key Text Features
Correlates to the Common Core State Standards in English Language Arts:
Use information gained from the illustrations and words in a print or digital text to demonstrate understanding of its characters, setting, or plot.